In today’s globalized world, it has become increasingly important for individuals to be able to demonstrate their qualifications and credentials to employers. With the rise of immigration, the need for objective and reliable credential assessment services has become increasingly important. In Canada, three of the most popular credential assessment services are the World Education Services (WES), t

Posted At: Sep 09, 2023 - 207 Views


The decision between whether to apply for a WES (World Education Services), IQAS (International Qualifications Assessment Service) or CES (Comparative Education Service) assessment can be a difficult one. Each assessment has its own unique purpose and its own set of benefits. It is important to understand each of them in order to make an informed decision.

WES is an evaluation service that specializes in assessing international education documents. It evaluates credentials from over 200 countries and territories and its assessments can be used for university applications, job applications, immigration and other purposes. It provides an overall grade point average (GPA) and a comprehensive report of the credentials that are evaluated.

IQAS is an Alberta Education service that provides assessment of credentials from outside of Canada. It is used to determine what courses and exams are equivalent to Alberta’s educational system. IQAS also provides an overall grade point average (GPA) and a comprehensive report of the credentials that are evaluated.

CES is a service of the University of Toronto that evaluates credentials from outside of Canada. It is used for the purpose of admission to Canadian universities and colleges. CES provides an overall grade point average (GPA) and a comprehensive report of the credentials that are evaluated.

When deciding between these three services, it is important to consider the purpose of the assessment. WES is the most comprehensive of the three and is best suited for those looking to use their international credentials for university applications, job applications, immigration and other purposes. IQAS is best suited for those looking to use their international credentials for admission into Alberta educational institutions and CES is best suited for those looking to use their international credentials for admission into Canadian universities and colleges.

Comparative Education Service – University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies  

International Credential Assessment Service of Canada  

World Education Services  

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)  

International Credential Evaluation Service

In conclusion, each of these services has its own unique purpose and its own set of benefits. It is important to understand each of them in order to make an informed decision. 

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