The E3 visa is a type of temporary stay visa for independent work purposes in Portugal. It is suitable for those who want to perform a self-employed or freelance activity in Portugal for less than six months.

Posted At: Th02 01, 2024 - 144 Views

Portugal E3 visa

The E3 visa is a type of temporary stay visa, which means that it does not grant you the right to reside or settle in Portugal permanently. If you wish to stay longer than six months, you will need to apply for a different type of visa, such as a residency visa or a work visa12.
The E3 visa allows you to perform a self-employed or freelance activity in Portugal, as long as you have a work contract or a service agreement with a Portuguese entity or client. You will also need to prove that you have the necessary professional qualifications, if applicable, and that you have sufficient means of subsistence to support yourself during your stay12.
The E3 visa does not allow you to work as an employee for a Portuguese company or organization. If you want to do that, you will need to apply for a different type of visa, such as a work visa or a tech visa12.
The E3 visa does not allow you to bring your family members with you to Portugal. If you want to do that, you will need to apply for a family reunification visa, which requires that you have a valid residence permit in Portugal12

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