Tips for Making Resume

Posted At: Aug 12, 2023 - 250 Views

Tips for Making Resume

1. Put Your Contact Information at the Top: Make sure your contact information is prominently displayed at the top of your resume. Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.   

2. Use a Summary Statement: A summary statement is a brief introduction to your resume that highlights your professional qualifications and background. It should be a few sentences long and should include your skills and most relevant job experience.   

3. List Your Work History: Your work history should include the most recent and relevant information. Include job titles, the name of the company, and the dates you worked.   

4. Include Your Education: List your educational background, such as the name of your degree, the name of your school, and the dates you attended.   

5. Highlight Your Skills: Include a section that highlights your relevant skills and qualifications. This should include both soft and hard skills.   

6. Use Keywords: Use keywords throughout your resume to help ensure that hiring managers can find your resume in a search.   

7. Proofread and Edit: Make sure to proofread and edit your resume for any mistakes or typos. Ask a friend or family member to review it for you as well.  

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