Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa) is a permanent residency visa for skilled individuals who are not sponsored by an employer, family, or nominated by a state or territory. This visa offers a range of benefits and is a popular choice for those looking to settle in Australia. Here are 10 reasons why Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa) is the right choice for you:

Posted At: Sep 15, 2023 - 251 Views


The Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa) is a permanent residence visa for skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer, a state or territory, or a family member. It is a points-based visa, and applicants must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible. Here are 10 facts about the Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa):    

1. The Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa) is a points-based visa. Applicants must score a minimum of 65 points in order to be eligible for the visa. Points are awarded for factors such as age, English language ability, work experience, qualifications, and state/territory nomination.    

2. The visa requires applicants to meet the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) requirements. This list includes occupations that are deemed to be in high demand in Australia and which require a certain level of skill.    

3. Applicants must also demonstrate that they have a successful employment history and have the skills and qualifications necessary to perform the occupation in Australia.    

4. Applicants must meet the income requirement for the visa, which is currently set at a minimum of $53,900 per year.    

5. Applicants must also meet character and health requirements.    

6. Applicants must meet the English language requirements, which is currently set at a minimum of 6.0 in each of the four components of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).    

7. The visa can be applied for and granted onshore or offshore.    

8. The visa allows applicants to work and study in Australia, and to access certain government benefits.    

9. The visa does not include family members. If the applicant wants to bring family members to Australia, they must apply for a separate visa.    

10. The visa is valid for five years and can be renewed. After four years and three months, the visa holder can apply for Australian citizenship.  


How the Points Test Works    

The points test is used to assess an applicant’s eligibility for the Subclass 189 visa. The points are awarded based on the applicant’s age, qualifications, work experience, English language ability, and other factors. The maximum number of points an applicant can earn is 120 points.  

In order to pass the points test, applicants must score a minimum of 65 points in the following categories:    

Age: Applicants aged between 25 and 32 receive 30 points. For applicants aged 33 or older, the points awarded decrease.    

Qualifications: A variety of qualifications are assessed for points, including university degrees, diplomas, trade certificates, and vocational education and training awards.    

Work experience: Points are awarded for work experience gained in the past 10 years in a skilled occupation.    

Work experience is an important factor in the points test as it demonstrates an individual’s ability to work in Australia. Applicants need to have at least two years of full-time work experience in an occupation that is listed on the SkillSelect list.  

English language ability: Points are awarded for test scores on the IELTS, TOEFL, or PTE Academic tests.    

Applicants who can demonstrate proficient English language skills are awarded up to 20 points.  

Qualifications: Points are awarded for qualifications relevant to the Australian job market, such as university degrees or trade qualifications.    

Employment Experience: Applicants who can demonstrate at least three years of skilled work experience in the past 10 years are awarded points.    

Australian Study Requirements: Points are awarded for applicants who have completed at least two years of study in Australia.    

Regional Study Requirements: Points are awarded for applicants who have completed at least two years of study in regional Australia.    


Other factors: Points are awarded for skills assessment, partner skills, certain occupations, studying in a regional area, and more.    

Applicants must score at least 65 points on the points test to be eligible for the Subclass 189 visa. However, the points requirement may be higher for certain applicants, such as those who do not have a partner or family member in Australia.    

It is important to note that the points test is not the only criteria for eligibility for the Subclass 189 visa. Applicants must also meet certain health and character requirements, and must be able to demonstrate that they can support themselves and their family financially.    

If you meet the points requirements, you can apply for the Skilled Independent Visa. To apply, you will need to create an Expression of Interest (EOI) and submit it to the Department of Home Affairs. Your EOI will be assessed against the points test and, if you meet the requirements, you will be invited to apply.    

The Subclass 189 Skilled Independent Visa is an excellent option for individuals who have the skills and experience to contribute to the Australian economy. However, it is important to note that the points test must be passed in order to be eligible for the visa. Those interested in applying for the visa should familiarise themselves with the points system and the other criteria for eligibility in order to ensure they have the best chance of success.  

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