An Expression of Interest (EOI) and a Registration of Interest (ROI) are two distinct procedures used in the procurement process in Australia. Although they both involve potential suppliers expressing an interest in providing goods and services, there are significant differences between the two.

Posted At: Sep 15, 2023 - 217 Views

An Expression of Interest (EOI) is a non-binding submission made by suppliers in response to a request from an Australian State government. An EOI outlines the supplier's ability to meet the specific requirements of the State government, and to provide the goods or services requested. The supplier then submits their submission with the necessary documents and information. 

A Registration of Interest (ROI) is a more formal process than an EOI. A ROI is a binding commitment from a supplier to provide goods and services in accordance with the requirements of the State. The supplier must submit a detailed proposal and supporting documents that demonstrate their capability to meet the State's requirements. The State then evaluates the ROI and may invite the supplier to negotiate a contract. 

Both an EOI and a ROI are important procedures for the procurement process in Australia. The key difference between the two is that while an EOI is non-binding, a ROI is binding. Therefore, it is important for suppliers to carefully consider which procedure is the most appropriate for their situation. 

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