Posted At: Mar 08, 2024 - 157 Views

University of Valahia in Romania


The Valahia University of Târgoviște (Universitatea Valahia din Târgoviște) is a prestigious institution located in Târgoviște, Dâmbovița County, Romania. Established in 1992, it has grown from two faculties to ten faculties and offers over 31 higher education specialisms1. Here are some key details about this university:

Undergraduate Programs:

  • High School Diploma: Applicants must have completed their secondary education and hold a valid high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • Entrance Exam: Some faculties may require applicants to take an entrance exam in subjects relevant to their chosen field of study.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Romanian or another language of instruction is essential.
  • Application: Submit an application through the university’s admission portal during the specified period.

Master’s Programs:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Applicants should have a relevant bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Transcripts: Provide official transcripts showing academic performance during undergraduate studies.
  • Recommendation Letters: Some programs may require letters of recommendation.
  • Statement of Purpose: Write a statement explaining your motivation for pursuing the master’s program.
  • Language Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in Romanian or the language of instruction.
  • Entrance Exam (if applicable): Certain programs may have an entrance exam.

Doctoral Programs:

  • Master’s Degree: Applicants must hold a master’s degree in a related field.
  • Research Proposal: Submit a research proposal outlining your intended doctoral research.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Obtain letters of recommendation from academic professionals.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Romanian or the language of instruction.
  • Interview (if required): Some programs may conduct an interview with applicants.

Additional Requirements:

  • Health Certificate: Provide a health certificate indicating you are fit for study.
  • Passport/ID: Submit a copy of your passport or national ID.
  • Application Fee: Pay the required application fee


The tuition fee for studying at Valahia University of Târgoviște is approximately 2,300 EUR per year for both domestic and international students This cost covers various academic services, facilities, and resources provided by the university during your studies. Keep in mind that tuition fees may vary based on the specific program and level of study. 

Valahia University of Târgoviște offers several scholarship options to support students in their educational pursuits. Here are some of the available scholarships:

Performance Scholarships:

  • These scholarships recognize outstanding achievements in various domains, including scientific, sportive, and cultural-artistic endeavors.

Merit Scholarships:

  • Merit-based scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance and achievements.
  • Eligibility criteria may include GPA, participation in extracurricular activities, and other accomplishments.

Social Scholarships:

  • Social scholarships aim to assist students with financial need.
  • These scholarships consider socioeconomic factors and provide support to those facing economic challenges.

International Scholarships:

  • The Romanian Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, offers scholarships to citizens from non-EU countries.
  • These scholarships cover tuition fees and sometimes living expenses.
  • Eligibility criteria vary, so interested students should check the official scholarship announcements.

Americas International College Exchange Program:

  • Valahia University collaborates with Americas International College for an exchange program.
  • The top 10% of applicants receive a scholarship covering 70% of the full tuition.
  • Eligibility includes being 18 years old, completing at least the 4th semester of undergraduate studies, and having intermediate English proficiency.
  • The exchange period is 3 weeks during the summer.
  • Application registration typically occurs between November 4th and November 27th

The tuition fee for studying at Valahia University of Târgoviște is approximately 2,300 EUR per year for both domestic and international students This cost covers various academic services, facilities, and resources provided by the university during your studies. Keep in mind that tuition fees may vary based on the specific program and level of study. For precise details and any potential scholarships or financial aid options, I recommend visiting the official website of Valahia University of Târgoviște or contacting the university’s admission office directly. 🎓



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