The University of Salzburg, also known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), has specific admission requirements for its various program

Posted At: Feb 29, 2024 - 154 Views

The University of Salzburg,

The University of Salzburg, also known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), has specific admission requirements for its various programs. Let’s explore them:

Bachelor’s Degree Programs:

English Language Proficiency:

  • If your native language is not English, you may need to demonstrate English proficiency through standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. Specific score requirements may vary by program.

Other Requirements:

  • Some programs may have additional prerequisites, such as specific subjects studied in high school or relevant work experience.
  • Always check the official website of the University of Salzburg or the specific program you’re interested in for detailed and up-to-date admission criteria.

The University of Salzburg, also known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), offers a diverse range of Bachelor’s, Master’s, Diploma, and Doctoral programs across its six faculties. Let’s explore some of the popular programs:

Bachelor’s Programs:

  • The university provides a variety of undergraduate programs in fields such as Catholic Theology, Cultural Sciences, Digital and Analytical Sciences, Law, Business and Economics, Natural and Life Sciences, and Social Sciences.
  • Students can choose from a wide range of subjects and combine them freely.

Master’s Programs:

  • PLUS offers approximately 40 Master’s programs, some of which are taught entirely in English.
  • These programs cover diverse areas, including humanities, sciences, business, and more.

Teacher Training Programs:

  • Aspiring teachers can benefit from the comprehensive Teacher’s Training Program, which allows students to specialize in various subjects.
  • This program prepares future educators for their roles in schools and educational institutions.

Advanced Training:

  • The university also provides Doctoral Programs, non-degree programs, and other advanced training courses.
  • These opportunities allow students to deepen their knowledge and expertise in specific fields.

Historic Setting:

  • The university is situated in Salzburg, a city renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural heritage.
  • Many of the university’s facilities are housed in architecturally impressive buildings within Salzburg’s historic center.

No Central Campus:

  • Unlike traditional campuses with a central hub, PLUS does not have a single central campus.
  • Instead, it occupies several buildings dispersed throughout the city.

Salzburg Residenz Building (Toskanatrakt):

  • Parts of the Salzburg Residenz building are used by the university.
  • The Toskanatrakt section of the Residenz is home to various academic activities.


  • The university also has facilities on Kapitelgasse, which is located south of Salzburg Cathedral.
  • Kapitelgasse houses classrooms, offices, and other essential spaces.

Modern Facilities:

  • While the historic setting provides a unique atmosphere, PLUS also embraces modernity.
  • The Faculty of Natural Sciences is located in Freisaal, and UNIPARK in Nonntal contributes to the university’s modern campus.

Cultural and Academic Environment:

  • Students benefit from the vibrant cultural scene of Salzburg, including theaters, museums, and music venues.
  • The blend of historical and contemporary elements creates an inspiring environment for learning and research.

Remember that the lack of a central campus doesn’t diminish the quality of education at PLUS. Instead, it offers students the chance to explore Salzburg’s beauty while pursuing their academic goals! 🎓🏰

If you’re an international student interested in studying at the University of Salzburg (PLUS), here’s what you need to know about the admission process:

General Information for International Applicants:

  • Visit the official website for general information on admission criteria, application procedures, and language requirements.
  • Explore the specific degree programs you’re interested in for detailed admission guidelines.

Applicants with International Pre-Education:

  • If you’ve obtained a secondary school leaving certificate or an academic degree from a country other than Austria, follow these steps:
    • Check the necessary documents and details on the Admission and Application page of your chosen study program.
    • Note that some information may be provided in German if the language of instruction for your chosen program is German.
    • Consider whether your documents need certification, translation, or an apostille based on the country of issue.
    • Find out where to have your documents certified or apostilled.

Language Requirements:

  • If your documents are not in German or English, consider translating them into either of these languages.
  • Language proficiency is essential for successful admission.

Remember to visit the specific program pages on the University of Salzburg’s website for detailed and up-to-date information.

The University of Salzburg, also known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), has a tuition fee structure that includes both the ÖH (Student’s Union) fee and the tuition fee. Here are the details:

ÖH (Student’s Union) Fee:

  • The ÖH fee is currently 22.70 Euros (as of October 2023).
  • All students, whether degree-seeking or non-degree, are required to pay this fee.
  • Even if the tuition fee is waived, the ÖH fee must be paid.

Tuition Fee:

  • The tuition fee amount depends on your citizenship and the duration of your studies.
  • For EU/EEA/CH citizens, the duration of studies also affects the calculations.
  • The required amount must be paid each semester until the specified deadlines (March 31st for summer semester and October 31st for winter semester).
  • Payment can be made online or at a bank, but bank payments may take up to five workdays.

Equivalency for Third-Country Citizens:

  • For information on the equivalency to EU/EEA citizens for third-country citizens, please refer to the official page.If you’re an international student interested in studying at the University of Salzburg (PLUS), there are various scholarship opportunities available. Here are some options:

Government Scholarships:

  • Fulbright Scholarships: These prestigious scholarships support international exchange between the United States and other countries. They cover tuition, living expenses, and other benefits.
  • Hubert Humphrey Fellowship: This program provides professional development opportunities for mid-career professionals from designated countries. It covers tuition, living expenses, and more.

University-Specific Scholarships:

  • PLUS offers a variety of scholarships for international students. These may include:
    • Merit-Based Scholarships: Awarded based on academic excellence, leadership, or other achievements.
    • Need-Based Scholarships: Designed to assist students with financial need.
    • Program-Specific Scholarships: Some departments or faculties may offer scholarships related to specific fields of study.

External Scholarships:

  • Explore scholarships offered by organizations, foundations, and private institutions outside the university. These can be country-specific or open to students from various nations.

Research Funding and Grants:

  • If you’re pursuing research, look for grants and funding opportunities related to your field of study. These may be available through research projects, collaborations, or external organizations.

Apply Early and Widely:

  • Scholarships can be competitive, so apply to multiple opportunities to increase your chances.
  • Pay attention to deadlines and eligibility criteria.


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