Canada SDS program

Posted At: Aug 07, 2023 - 188 Views

Canada has long been a popular destination for international students. With its high-quality education system, welcoming culture, and abundant job opportunities, it is no surprise that students from all over the world are drawn to study in Canada. To make the process of studying in Canada easier and faster, the Canadian government launched the Student Direct Stream (SDS) program in 2018.

The SDS program is designed to expedite the study permit application process for qualified international students from India, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. To be eligible for the SDS program, applicants must meet several requirements. These include providing a language test score of at least 6.0 for English or 7.0 for French on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF), respectively; providing proof of tuition payment; providing a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000; and providing a medical examination.

Once these requirements are met, applicants can expect their study permit application to be processed in 20 days or less. This is significantly faster than the standard processing time of up to 12 weeks. In addition, SDS applicants are not required to provide biometrics, which further speeds up the application process.

The SDS program has been a great success since its launch. It has enabled students from India, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines to begin their studies in Canada sooner, and has ensured that their study permit applications are processed quickly and efficiently. The SDS program is a great example of how the Canadian government is working to make Canada an even more attractive destination for international students.

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